Welcome to Daily Occurences

The coming of camera phones may not be as revolutionary as the invention of the wheel or the formulation of the Theory of Relativity but just like the two mentioned it has revoltionized our lives in myriad of ways; we all become photographers, chroniclers of family affairs, and sometimes even citizen journalists. This blog is a celebration of that small thing we call camera phone and the realities captured by its lenses transformed into art, news, or commentary on the society.

For this blog, I will be using a Sony Ericsson K610i I bought almost a year ago with my first salary as an instructor in the univeristy. An ordinary white mobile phone capable of taking 2 megapixels photos. No radical editing shall be done on the picture except for some adjustments on brightness and contrast.

Although I do not intend to make this blog as a supplement to Going Against the Current, but some of the pictures posted here, aside from brief captions I shall provide, can also be seen in  Going Against the Current with fuller exposition.

Welcome to Daily Occurences Captured by a Camera Phone.

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